I have a story that happened to me and another youth when we were going door to door.
We went up to this house on a hill and knocked at the door. An old lady answered and with a very deep and strange voice said, "Get out of here, they are mine!" So, we high tailed it out of there. I don't think our little feet even touched the steps as we ran! (We were both teenagers.) We reported what happened to the elder in our group what happened, and as a rabid service person, he ignored what we said and made us do the next house. as we went up the stairs he stood at the bottom of the steps (There must have been 40 of them.) When we knocked at the next door, the same woman answered and hissed at us and laughed. Now, you never saw two young kids run that fast in your life! Oh, and the elder....I think he shit his pants! Here is where it gets better, the next week when two elders went up to those houses to check on them, they were completely empty! Looked like they weren't lived in for years! Then elders had them as do not call for years until they both burned down. Oh....did I say that it was eventually found out that the one house was a former home of a "Russellite" who left the org back in 1920 and turned against them?